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Key Takeaways from CAMH’s Mental Health Playbook for Business Leaders

January 28, 2023

7-minute Read
Written by Mahrukh Ali Aziz, DEI Coordinator

This article features:

  • 5 Recommendations outlined in CAMH’s Mental Health Playbook for Business Leaders 
  • How you can leverage the Newcomer Employment Hub and hire top talent

Last month, we welcomed Deborah Gillis, President & CEO of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) Foundation, at our Membership Luncheon to share how employers can approach and address mental health challenges in the workplace.

While each new year brings new opportunities and goals, it is also important to recognize how mental health impacts our teams’ ability to work towards organizational goals.
For this newsletter, we will explore 5 recommendations alongside a few examples of best practices highlighted in the CAMH Mental Health Playbook for Business Leaders.

5 Recommendations outlined in CAMH’s Mental Health Playbook for Business Leaders 

“When an employee continues to work while unwell, they can’t be fully focused and productive. This is ‘presenteeism,’ and the impacts are significant: Of the $51 billion economic cost of mental illness in Canada annually, some $6 billion a year is related to lost productivity.” – CAMH Mental Health Playbook for Business Leaders

1. Create a long-term, organization-wide mental health strategy

Alongside planning your organization’s key performance indicators (KPIs), invest in well-being training programs to support your workforce’s mental health.

Best Practice – set the tone from the top: Implement mandatory leadership training across the organization to educate and develop a sensitively sound approach towards breaking down the stigma around open conversations about mental well-being. Ensure leaders receive culturally sensitive training to initiate a change management model which is sensitive and inclusive.

2. Institute mandatory mental health training for leadership

Provide in-depth awareness training which captures a culturally sensitive and inclusive approach. This would eliminate discriminatory barriers, unconscious bias and fear of judgement, allowing your employees to feel safe when having an open conversation. 

3. Develop tailored mental health supports

Ensure your programs are tailored based on, ‘Delivery and Access’ and Inclusivity. Pay attention to the type of accommodation your workforce requires to access the mode of delivery. Be mindful of how your employee demographic may hold culturally diverse views on mental health treatment. 

4. Prioritize and optimize your return-to-work process checklist

The question here is – how would you support your employee’s return to work from a mental health leave?

Best Practice – training, tools & access to treatment: Ensure all staff in management positions have sensitivity training and are equipped to support any accommodations employees may require. Be ready with tools and resources, and plan the workload mindfully to ensure the employee does not feel pressured/stressed. Prioritize their well-being and provide accessible pathways to affordable mental health treatment.

5. Track your progress

Gathering sufficient data on overall KPIs in alignment with the workplace mental health strategy is essential to determine your organization’s attention to equity and fairness. Reflect on how you define success while bearing in mind the existence of mental health illnesses and invisible disabilities. 

Best Practice – surveys & evaluation:  Implement employee engagement surveys, collect feedback and include questions about psychological safety. Ensure your employees are aware of data privacy and confidentiality so they may feel safe and comfortable when answering questions with full transparency.

Access the full resource HERE.

Feature your Job Posting on the Newcomer Employment Hub

Every week we send out emails to newcomer-serving organizations and job seekers of the latest job postings on the Hub. These jobs are also shared on our social media channels to reach a wider and more diverse talent pool of candidates who are currently seeking meaningful employment opportunities.

Looking to get your job posting featured? Check out the steps below to get featured!
Step 1: Create your account on the Newcomer Employment Hub for FREE! 

Step 2: Fill out your organization’s profile

Step 3: Share your job posting on the Hub

Step 4: Email Mahrukh Ali Aziz, DEI Coordinator at [email protected] to be featured in our weekly featured job postings email and social media channels!

Friendly Reminders for you:

  • Register now for the Second Annual CODE Conference on Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023 at the RBC Convention Centre.
  • Wondering how to start your 50-30 challenge journey? Learn more HERE.

Upcoming CODE Events:

Download our Multicultural Calendar for February

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