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Reconciliation is Not a Spectator Sport

May 4, 2022

3-minute read

Reconciliation with Indigenous communities is an important and ongoing personal journey. To understand the harm of our country’s history and to pave a new path forward, each individual needs to look inward and reconcile themselves. 

To support us on our journeys, on May 19th we will welcome two generations of changemakers, The Honourable Murray Sinclair and Dr. Niigaanwewidam James Sinclair to The Chamber stage to discuss the progress made since the Truth and Reconciliation Commission released the 94 Calls to Actions in June 2015.

“The important thing for the business community to understand is that reconciliation is not a spectator sport. It requires the participation of all the players,” said The Honourable Murray Sinclair.

“Those who are not taking the opportunity to learn how they can contribute are losing out on the opportunity to expand their business.”

Ahead of our upcoming luncheon, Dr. Niigaan shared with us the importance of the business community’s role in the journey of Truth and Reconciliation. 

“Winnipeg is the center of much of the projects involving reconciliation in Canada and that makes the importance of the business community paramount,” said Dr. Niigaan. “Being a part of this event is exciting because we need all people at the table, in particular business leaders, to be actively working toward relationship building between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in all sectors of the economy.”

As we continue on this important journey, we once again invite you and your team to join us for a special community gathering, our Road to Reconciliation Luncheon, on Thursday, May 19 at the Victoria Inn from 11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. for a one-on-one and thought-provoking conversation between father and son.

“The important thing would be for the businesses to realize that they have an important influence on the way that reconciliation is going to evolve in this country,” said His Honour. 

Dr. Niigaan adds, “This event is a chance to hear one of the most important topics being discussed in Winnipeg’s future.”

May Luncheon: Road to Reconciliation
Thursday, May 19, 2022
11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Victoria Inn Hotel & Convention Centre – North Centennial Ballroom

Registration Closes: Wednesday, May 11 at 5:00PM

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