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Bizzz Best Practices

July 14, 2021

Bizzz is our new Winnipeg Chamber online business directory for our business community to list and find local and credible professional services and goods worth buzzing about (see what we did there?).

Listed by industries, customers can easily find your Bizzz profile and find out more about the work you do. Our new online directory is a collection of Winnipeg business profiles that includes important information you’re always searching for. Bizzz profiles include important information your customers are searching for. Your profile includes a summary, the best way to reach you, photos, and testimonials from loyal customers.

If you are familiar with our traditional Winnipeg Chamber membership directory, this is it. We just got a new name, sleeker look and a more user-friendly profile for you.

Bizzz Best Practices:

  1. Imagery is so important
  2. Use your Google reviews and testimonials
  3. Share on social media
  4. Keep it simple

Since we launched Bizzz we have had some incredible local businesses fill out their profiles and have already been receiving inquiries from within the community! We thought we would put together some best practices to help you buzz around Bizzz more efficiently (see what we did there.)

Imagery is so important.

It’s the first thing that catches someone’s eye as they scroll through. That’s why we suggest using consistent and high-quality images on your profile. Try and find something that draws the customer in and makes sense to your business. TIP: try using the same imagery as your social profile pictures and headers. Don’t have professional photography? Using your logo works great!

Red Moon Bizzz Profile

Share your Google reviews, social media compliments and more as a testimonial.

When you’re looking for a restaurant, hairdresser, hotel etc. what’s the first thing you look at? Pictures and customer reviews. That’s why it’s so important to share those customer experiences to help create a buzz and build your business’s credibility.

ourCIO Bizzz Profile

Share your profile on your website and link it on your social media platforms.

This is a great way to showcase your profile on Bizzz, but also help drive traffic to other local businesses as well! This past year and a bit has been tough, let’s continue to help support local and support each other.

Keep it simple. 

Short and to the point is always best. When describing your products and services we suggest using the bullet point system to ensure your customers are getting the information they need quickly and efficiently. The last thing you want to do is make it difficult for your customer to understand. Make it easy for them to buzz around.

Dooley PR Bizzz Profile


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