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Supporting the Canadian Immigration Journey

March 26, 2024

4 minute read
Post Contributed by Kristin Ramlal, B. Comm (Hons.), PFP, CIM, FCSI, RWM, MFA-P, VP, Institutional Investment Sales, Canada Life 
Leadership Winnipeg Class of 2023-2024

They say it’s not only about the destination, but instead about enjoying the journey…

Statistics Canada notes Canada’s population grew to 40 million people in 2023, with 98% of the population growth contributed to net international migration. Manitoba welcomes more than 13,000 newcomers each year and our communities are becoming more diverse, with a beautiful array of ethnic backgrounds, languages and faiths. This creates an opportunity for inclusive leaders in Winnipeg to step up and encourage leadership in their communities by welcoming and showing support to newcomers on their Canadian immigration journeys.

On March 15, my peers and I had the opportunity to attend the 2024 Leadership Winnipeg group, to learn and understand the journey newcomers face while settling in Canada. During this experience, we walked throughout Winnipeg’s inner-city and visited several local non-profit organizations who dedicate countless hours, resources, lessons and blessings to support newcomers in Manitoba. Throughout our journey, we toured these non-profit facilities, learning about their missions, goals and available resources and services. This included:

  • Immigrant Centre – Serving immigrants for 75 years. Strengthening community and helping newcomers succeed. Available services include: notary, employment support, English centre, language bank, driver’s education, Canadian citizen support, computer/printing access and even nutrition services.
  • IRCOM (Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba) – a home to hundreds of immigrants and refugees from across the globe, who are secured with long-term, affordable, and safe housing, together with holistic, wrap around programs and services for parents and children alike. Immigrant and refugee settlement services include: after school programs, asset building programs, childcare support, newcome literacy programs, a greening program, employability support, case management and crisis intervention programs.
  • Holy Names House of Peace – This life affirming community empowers and provides a safe home for newcomer women in transition, who may have been subject to human trafficking, domestic abuse or denied access to clean water. They provide programs, mentorship, and leadership designed to help enhance self-confidence and interdependence of women focused on healing and reconciliation – 350 days a year

Thank you to Leadership Winnipeg, coordinated by The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce and Volunteer Manitoba and sponsored by Canada Life. By giving us this opportunity. Through this opportunity those who attend have gained additional mindfulness of the challenging, yet inspiring journey many newcomers face on their path to financial, mental, and physical well-being settling in Canada.

The destination to safety, comfort, belonging, and peace of mind as a newcomer to Canada takes a lot of hope, courage, resilience and community support. Together, we can enhance the Canadian immigration journey. Please consider your ability to support the immigration journey today.

Visit the websites listed below for more information on how you can get involved.


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