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Belonging and Mental Health

May 16, 2022

3-minute read

The long-term implications of the pandemic on mental health are unmeasurable. The need for belonging and connection, especially in the workplace, is as strong as it’s ever been. 

Dr. Rehman Abdulrehman, A clinical and consulting psychologist, uses his skills as a psychologist to help bridge the gap between inclusion and mental health. 

“Many of the clinical skills I use to work on very severe problems like mental illness, can also be used to solve problems tied to leadership and society, and anything tied to human beings, really. And so racism is a human issue. Discrimination is a human issue.”

A Canadian of Zanzibari descent, Dr Abdulrehman draws on his extensive professional expertise and his life as an immigrant from an ethnic, cultural and religious minority, to illustrate the necessary concepts and actions for lasting change. 

“Sharing knowledge with each other is also about sharing lived experiences. It’s not always about me teaching people,” said Dr. Rehman. “I try to use my clinical experience combined with my lived experiences to help tell a story and create change.”

Storytelling is something Dr. Rehman knows well. Through his podcast, Different People, Rehman uses the power of a story to talk about diversity, equity and inclusion from a psychological perspective and to explore belonging and mental health. 

Listen to Dr. Rehman’s podcast here. 

It’s the lived experiences that are what our CODE Conference is all about. As a keynote at the conference, Dr. Rehman will share his lived experiences, clinical expertise as well as his story to help our community. 

“Conferences like the CODE Conference are about us sharing knowledge with each other,” said Dr. Rehman. “I think that I can shed some insight that can allow us to make really significant changes in ourselves but also in our businesses and our organizations.”

Our first annual CODE Conference will take you on a full-day journey of learning through engaging presentations from top voices in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) community, hands-on facilitated workshops and the opportunity to learn, connect and grow with like-minded individuals. 

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