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Understanding the various personality styles and their impact on workplace dynamics helps people communicate and work successfully with others. Effective communication requires us not only to be aware of ourselves,…
Jazz music, since its humble beginnings in Congo Square, has been a fusion of folk, classical and popular music. As the artform spread, jazz embraced and adapted music from all…
Jazz music, since its humble beginnings in Congo Square, has been a fusion of folk, classical and popular music. As the artform spread, jazz embraced and adapted music from all…
CPHR Manitoba will celebrate the 18th anniversary of our most prestigious event, the annual HR Excellence Awards this year! The evening will showcase outstanding human resource achievements in Manitoba. CPHR…
In this special offer for IPL and CPHR Manitoba, Patrick O’Reilly, owner of Padraig will provide us with a half-day version of the program – providing participants with Padraig’s COACH…
Workplace health and safety includes identifying and addressing hazards that can cause mental injury. Learn more about the CSA National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace, raise…
Take advantage of Manitoba’s summer with a seasonal business such as a food truck or selling food products at a farmers’ market. Many people are interested in the possibilities that…
Are you a person with a disability or health condition who owns or runs a business? Have you considered the Government of Canada (GOC) as a potential customer? The GOC…