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Brought to you by CPHR Manitoba
How experienced are you when it comes to negotiating with others?
Understanding that there are different types of negotiations and that you need the confidence to navigate through, prepare for and analyze what type you’re in is just the beginning. Then you need to communicate effectively, verbally and non-verbally, while controlling your emotions and reading human dynamics in order to meet your aggressive goals/targets and seal the deal.
In this hands-on seminar, you will learn the structural basics of preparation and execution of a proper negotiation. Topics include the
negotiation assessment – the reason for a negotiation and defining clear and accurate objectives; how to identify different types of negotiations and prepare for them with a negotiation plan; understanding human dynamics in all types of negotiations and how to build better relationships with all parties at the table; creating alternatives while controlling your emotions and presenting offers (or counter offers) to drive results; and how to instill a culture of results-based negotiation within your organization.
This seminar will include two role-playing exercises & the effective ‘Moving People off the Status Quo’ explanation. These exercises are part of negotiation training at Harvard University.
Viscount Got Hotel
167 Portage Ave
Winnipeg , MB