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Maintaining Workplace Company Culture Through a Pandemic

Friday, May 14, 2021
9:00 am – 10:00 am


Regardless of company size, there is one thing that matters to all employees: how they feel about coming into work every day. Bold has taken “work hard, play hard” to a whole new level and, even at 400+ employees, has maintained a culture that keeps people happy, motivated, and looking forward to Mondays. Marcy Dubois, Culture and Wellness Specialist at Bold, will share her experiences of what shaping the culture has been like, how Bold transitioned to a remote culture, and lessons learned from it all.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. How Bold built its culture and what the word “culture” truly means.
  2. What has and hasn’t worked in a remote culture
  3. What has affected people the most during the pandemic and how Bold has approached it



Marcy Dubois, Cultural and Wellness Specialist, Bold Commerce

Marcy Dubois has been with Bold for almost two years, and is a key player in maintaining the amazing culture that Bold is known for. She is an extrovert extraordinaire that motivates and engages our Builders across Canada and the USA. Beyond planning opportunities for Builders to stay connected, she oversees employee committees, community initiatives, and wellness activities.

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