Drop Zone is a knee-shaking, heart-pounding, adrenaline-pumping fundraising experience that encourages you to get out of your comfort zone and face your fears by rappelling from the top of the Manitoba Hydro Building (all 272 FT) on Aug 20th, 2019 – to support Manitobans with disabilities. By fundraising a minimum of $1,500, you get to become a superhero for a day, challenge yourself and change lives.
This will be the 15th anniversary of Drop Zone in Winnipeg. Since 2005, Drop Zone in Manitoba have raised over $1.4 million, and 850+ brave superheroes have stepped off the edge.
Register to rappel as an individual or recruit your family, friends or colleagues to create a team of superheroes.
*7am – 5pm* rappell times TBA and prizes/presentations will follow with more info. coming soon on location and time. Hang tight!
360 Portage Avenue (Manitoba Hydro Building)
360 Portage Avenue (Manitoba Hydro Building)
Winnipeg, MB