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Creating a Culture of Innovation

Friday, April 23, 2021
9:00 am – 10:00 am




“A lot of times people don’t know what they want until you show them” – Steve Jobs. With technology moving at a dizzying pace, the most successful company’s of the future will not only be the best innovators, but they will be able to read the incoming future and as a result, provide 10x more value.

Presenters: Theo Heineman, Founder and CEO, 1Life Workplace Safety Solutions

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Why most of your workforce is living in survival (anti-innovation) over 70% of the time
  2. What is a culture of creation and the top 3 things leaders need to do to foster innovation
  3. Introduction to how the most successful organizations “read” the incoming future



Theo Heineman, Founder and CEO, 1Life Workplace Safety Solutions

Theo is the founder and CEO of 1Life Workplace Safety Solutions. She is an Entrepreneur of the Year, Canadian Safety Leader of the Year finalist, and Safety ROI coach to high- performing business leaders. She is a Certified NeuroChangeSolutions Consultant, personally trained by leading neuroscientist and New York Times bestselling author, Dr. Joe Dispenza.

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