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Documents Certified by The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce:

  • Certificates of Origin
  • Invoices submitted without a Certificate of Origin
  • Confirmations of business registration
  • Visa applications
  • Agency/representation agreements

Documents certified by The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce must meet the following requirements:

  • Issued by a Canadian company in either English or French
  • Accompanied by the proper background documentation
  • Original document duly signed by an authorized representative and notarized (or Letter of Waiver must be on file)
  • Accompanied by the proof of business registration with the federal or provincial/territorial government and confirmation of annual business license renewal (if not already on file)
  • Issued on our template or in a format approved by The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce
  • Certification fees paid in full


Please note the additional requirements before the following documents can be processed by our representatives.

Global Affairs Requirements

Any documents that require authentication from Global Affairs, other than Certificates of Origin, must be notarized by a notary public or commissioner of oaths. Having a letter of waiver on file at The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce is insufficient.

Certificates of Origin (and related invoice, packing list, bill of lading or waybill)

Certificates of Origin must be accompanied by proof of origin for all items listed on the CO. Proof may be in the form of:


When goods are manufactured in Canada by the exporter:
(Example: Exporter is the one manufacturing the goods and exporting them)

  • A duly signed and notarized manufacturer’s declaration on the company’s letterhead detailing the goods manufactured (WCC template must be used and can be filed as a blanket – valid for two years); OR
  • Valid factory/official license issued by government entity providing reference is made to the manufacturing operations.


When goods are manufactured in Canada by a company other than the exporter:
(Example: Exporter is the one exporting goods purchased from another Canadian source)

  • A duly signed and dated invoice by an authorized representative of the manufacturer or supplier confirming the origin of the goods (3rd party confirmation); OR
  • A duly signed and dated declaration from the manufacturer or supplier on the company’s letterhead detailing the goods in question and their origin (WCC template can be provided and used as a blanket – valid for two years).


When goods were manufactured in a foreign country:
(Example: Exporter is the one exporting goods purchased overseas)

  • A duly signed and dated invoice by an authorized representative of the manufacturer, or supplier, confirming the origin of the goods (third party confirmation); OR
  • A duly signed and dated declaration from the manufacturer or supplier on the company’s letterhead (in English or in French) detailing the goods in question and their origin; OR
  • A foreign Certificate of Origin duly certified by a recognized Chamber of Commerce.


When goods were bought from a third party:
(Example: Exporter buys from a supplier who buys from another party)

  • A duly signed and dated statement from that party, on their company’s letterhead, declaring the origin of the goods in question.


Documents in support of Certificates of Origin must be current (less than 24 months from the date of issue).

When attachments are to be certified, the company’s name and description of the goods on the invoice, packing lists, export declaration, etc. must match the information on the CO.

Invoices (submitted without a CO)

(Actioned on behalf of Canadian organizations only)

  • Documents must be contain verbiage approved by The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce. Please contact us for the appropriate wording prior to submission.


Note: The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce will only certify as to ‘the issuer’ of the documents, not its contents.

All other documents will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Documents not certified by The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce (not an all-inclusive list):

  • Certificates of Origin relating to international trade agreements such as NAFTA. For more information, please visit cbsa-asfc.gc.ca.
  • Certificates of Value (can be obtained from freight forwarders)
  • Certificates of Composition or Analysis (weights/materials, etc.)
  • Certificates of Insurance
  • Certificates of Fumigation
  • Certificates of Free Sale; for Certificates of Free Sale for Natural health products (NHPs), over-the-counter products (OTCs), disinfectant, medical devices, and low-risk veterinary health products, go to: certificates.chpcanada.ca
  • Confirmation of Price Lists
  • Documents issued by the federal or provincial/territorial governments
  • Documents issued by foreign entities (government, company, etc.)
  • Documents with references to quality or human consumption
  • Letters of invitation (entry into Canada)
  • Personal documents (marriage/death certificates, divorce papers, etc.)
  • Documents with boycott clauses or inferring boycotting
  • Documents issued in a foreign language
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