4-minute read
As a child, I was not a fan of rollercoasters – the slow, steady march up to the summit, lulling you into a false sense of upwards progression, only to be catapulted into a rapid twisting, turning, gut-churning downward trajectory beyond your control. The only way to survive it is to shift, adapt, and hang on. In place of twists and turns, the past year was marked by staff shortages, supply chain issues, inflation, and so many other disruptions, it’s hard to keep track.
Like you, our Chamber has had to ride the rollercoaster. I’m pleased to say that, aside from a few moments of vertigo, your Chamber has shifted and adapted, as documented in the pages of our 2021-2022 Annual Report. Yet, our goal was never to just weather the storm, but to emerge from it stronger. We have done so while enhancing the value and results our Chamber delivers to members.

Photography by Mike Sudoma
Since the onset of the pandemic, we have engaged Probe Research Inc. to conduct an annual, independent survey of our members, to gain a truly objective read on what you think of your Chamber and the value received.
The results indicate you like what you see so far, and even more so for what’s ahead.
Ninety-three percent (93%) of respondents say The Winnipeg Chamber is heading in the right direction (up from 91% the year before); members point to our advocacy/policy work and availability of business resources and events as the primary reasons.
Three out of four rate the value of their membership as excellent/good. Eighty-eight percent (88%) feel the Chamber has an exemplary reputation within the business community. Three in four respondents perceive The Chamber to be more effective or as effective than other business organizations.
Among the general business community, The Winnipeg Chamber’s work on behalf of business is recognized as leading the way across the province.
For consecutive years, according to Probe Research’s Manitoba Business Leaders Index – an independent survey of hundreds of business executives – a majority of participants identify The Winnipeg Chamber as the province’s leading business organization.
Remarkably, among all respondents, almost half are from outside Winnipeg and 72% have never been a member of our Chamber.
But none of this success is possible without a partnership of volunteers and staff. A special thanks to past Chair, Liz Choi, a dynamic and unapologetically ferocious leader in our community, whose vision and spirit have inspired many. To our Chamber Board of Directors and staff, thank you for your steadfast commitment, sage counsel, and incredible work on behalf of our community.
Now as we approach our 150th anniversary as a Chamber, we begin to speed up our transition from an organization approaching 150 years to one that is even more innovative, relevant, and focused on member value for the next 150.
I cannot promise there won’t be any more twists and turns on this ride, but I can promise we will always be there in the seat beside you.
So hang on, and let’s go.
– Loren Remillard