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Leadership Winnipeg

Shaping Community Leaders

Please note: Our 2024-2025 class is full. You may submit an application for our wait list.

If you are interested in applying, you are encouraged to send in an application form to be placed on our wait list as spots do occasionally come available. Wait list spots are filled in the order applications are received.

For over a decade, The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce and Volunteer Manitoba have partnered together to offer Leadership Winnipeg, a 10-session leadership program (plus class project), which runs from September through June. The program provides experiences that inspire and help individuals to develop an understanding of themselves, their community and their role within it.

The day-long sessions (usually held one Friday a month Sept.-June from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.), are hosted in the community and focuses on a theme. The sessions include tours and guest speakers, plus an opportunity to interact with those speakers. The program is primarily learning by experiencing as opposed to textbook-based learning. A portion of the day is also devoted to leadership development – providing the tools that will enhance the participant’s communication, facilitation, collaboration and time management skills.

Board Connect is an optional second year of the Leadership Winnipeg program that places graduates and alumni on non-profit boards.

Leadership Winnipeg looks for individuals with the drive to learn and lead, to work together and to be visionary. Participants include people from business, government and not for profit; diversified in many ways, ethnically reflecting newcomers and indigenous participants as well as gender identification. Career wise, the class is largely composed of entrepreneurs, middle management people on an upward trajectory and executive director level from the not for profit sector. Without exception, they are interested in their community and most are interested in volunteer and/or Board opportunities with the desire to make a difference.

Selected participants must make every effort to attend all sessions. The cost for the program is $1,275 plus GST.

Our 2024-2025 class is full. If you are interested in applying, you are encouraged to send in an application form to be placed on our wait list as spots do occasionally come available. Wait list spots are filled in the order applications are received.


Completed applications can be e-mailed to: [email protected]

For further information, contact Ellen Kornelsen at [email protected].

To read more about the Leadership Winnipeg experience, check out our blog articles.


Board Connect

In the optional second year of the Leadership Winnipeg program, graduates are matched with not‐for‐profit Boards and/or Board standing committees within Winnipeg. The Leadership Winnipeg Board Connect program aims to achieve the following outcomes:

  • ​Providing graduates with the opportunity to expand their skills and contribute leadership to a community organization
  • Engaging the next generation of leaders to ensure continuous capacity building and long-term sustainability
  • Creating a network of talented and resourceful emerging leaders who will establish strong and lasting relationships that are personally and professionally beneficial
  • Creating a new avenue for boards to recruit confident, engaged and motivated leaders who are prepared to serve
  • Enabling non‐profit leaders to find professionals with the right skills, experience and social capital to help them be successful
  • Serving the community’s need for effective, highly‐skilled and energized leadership
  • Harnessing the momentum of Leadership Winnipeg through immediate engagement
  • Increasing awareness for non‐profit agencies and develop a sustained commitment among emerging leaders to their communities.

Leadership Winnipeg grads can find more information and complete an application form here.

If your organization is interested in accepting a program participant to serve on your board or a standing committee, please contact:

Kamillah El-Giadaa
Volunteer Manitoba
[email protected]
204-477-5180 ext. 225


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